As most individuals are aware, there were recently two confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the state of Michigan. At this time, Governor Whitmer has declared a State of Emergency in order to ensure swift and easy access to necessary resources and the World Health Organization has now declared the virus a global pandemic.

We, as an agency, are committed to actively monitoring and implementing the guidelines issued by local and global public health experts to do our part to promote overall public health and prevent the spread of disease. 

As always, the health and safety of our clients and our team is our top priority. At this time, we will continue to provide in-person care for all of our birth and postpartum doula clients, until otherwise directed.

In terms of our in-person classes and consultations, we are making moment to moment decisions and will keep our clients up to date on any potential changes and/or cancelations. We are practicing a robust cleaning protocol for our physical building spaces and urging our team and our clients to follow the recommendations issued by the CDC, including: 

  • Vigorously wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, frequently throughout the day. Use hand sanitizer when you’re unable to wash your hands. 
  • Avoid any unnecessary physical contact, including hand shaking, high fives, hugs, etc.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and face. Carry tissues whenever possible and utilize them when you need to cough or sneeze. 
  • Monitor yourself and your immediate family members for any potential symptoms. If you are feeling ill, please stay home. You can find more info about COVID-19 specific symptoms here.
  • If you will be traveling, please review the CDC’s Traveler’s Health Notices

We trust our clients to make decisions on what is best for their individual health needs and we are happy to discuss any questions or concerns you may have.  

Covid-19 Resources:

UM COVID-19 Preparation Guidelines

Washtenaw County Health Department-Coronavirus

State of MI Coronavirus Info

Center for Disease Control-Coronavirus

CDC Inpatient Obstetric Healthcare Guidelines



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